B&C United Home Care

TV Remotes Causing Chaos for your Senior?


Lets keep it simple. Technology is our friend.

Please google universal TV remotes for seniors. They can be an easy replacement for the 500 button remote that comes with the cable box and TV.

Don’t let the little buttons and toggle arrows stop your senior from feeling independent.  Do a little research, for under $30 dollars you can get a simple remote.  Just call one of your millennial friends over to set it up for your television or call customer service from your cable company and they maybe able to walk you though the process.

Who doesn’t appreciate Free! Ask customer service from your cable company if they have a less busy remote or a special remote for seniors. My favorite line in sales, “The answer is always ‘No’ unless you ask.” They may have an older model or a model for persons with limited hand mobility.

Remember you are not alone and retailers are prepared to help to maintain their business.  Remember, our population is aging so retailers have to be prepared as well.

Stay Inspired,



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