B&C United Home Care

Staying Healthy in Your Senior Years

by Avery Bullock

As a senior, you can take daily active measures to age well and enjoy these decades of your life to the fullest. Through preventative care and treating yourself right, you can better guarantee your quality of life spent with your family and loved ones. Live your best life through abiding by the following tips and guidelines for healthy living.

Eat Right

Your relationship with food will change over time, as relates to your appetite, what kind of foods are agreeable with you, and how your body processes this food. Healthy eating is as important as ever for ensuring your energy levels and overall health. High fiber fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are more important than ever to best promote your energy and boost your immune system. Fruits and vegetables are also a good source of antioxidants, which protect against cell damage, keeping your body health. Seniors are also prone to dehydration, so drinking plenty of water is paramount for energy as well and also to stay mentally sharp. See senior diet recommendations according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Stay Connected

Feeling connected with a sense of belonging and meaning is essential for every person, especially seniors. Especially if you have mobility issues, regular visits with family and grandchildren can make you feel more upbeat and elevate your mood – your support network is everything! Protect yourself against loneliness, depression, potential disability, hardship, and loss. In addition to regular contact with family, make an effort to meet new friends, spend time with at least one other person each day, volunteer with an organization that aligns with your passions and views, and consider a support group if you are coping with a specific issue or loss.

Get Lots of Sleep

Sleep matters as much, if not more, as you age. Getting quality sleep as a senior means taking into account new factors that change your sleep habits in various ways. Sleep is essential for your body repairing itself daily, reduces stress levels, boosts your immune system, and improves memory and concentration, where 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep each night is essential. Insomnia, daytime sleepiness, and frequent waking during the night are typical for seniors. Insomnia can even be caused by inactivity during the day and too much caffeine during the day. See sleep tips for older adults.

Stay Active

Staying physically active on a regular basis enables your body to best fight inflammation and infections. Exercise makes a difference, even if the exercise is low impact, like walking. It is important to do what feels best for you, where you aim to work out at least 150 minutes a week. Even if you don’t start exercising until you are a senior, you will add longevity through extra years to your life. You will add extra years to your life, not to mention quality of life to your years. See fitness trends to increase vitality, sleep, mental health, and decrease chronic pain.

Prioritize Mental Health

There are many ways that you can keep your mind sharp as a senior. Exercise significantly prevents memory loss, cognitive decline, and dementia. Keeping your mind active, challenged, and creative are fundamental to keeping your mind sharp as well. Ways of doing this include trying new things or variations on what you currently do as part of a routine. You could try doing something new each day or in a way you haven’t done it before. Pick up a new language, learn a musical instrument, or take an art class at a local community center!

These tips are just a few of many that can dramatically improve your quality of life as a senior. It is never too late to invest in your health, happiness, and longevity through self-care and adopting new practices. Seize this special time in your life and enjoy it with your family and loved ones, and also know when it is time to ask for help at home.

Thank you Ms. Avery Bullock for your insight,

Stay Inspired,

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