B&C United Home Care

How do you Help someone Who won’t help themselves?

I hear this every week. It may not come out in those words, but I hear the frustration in family members voices. How do you help mom, dad or even your sister and they aren’t willing to help themselves or they don’t follow through on their commitments.

This is especially concerning after you may have taken off of work to help them, or have pinched into your saving to help them and they refuse to help themselves. And you still see them spiraling out of control with their lives.

They are missing doctors appointments, canceling meetings, not taking care of themselves, living in poor conditions, missing meals, not eating…..the list can go on and on.

I want to explain Adult Protective Services. They are nationwide. That may be your answer.

They are not a jail sentence. They are there to protect Adults who have found themselves in need of help. They are not the answer to all of your problems, but they are at least a social worker who can help you find the answers.

When to get them involved?

When an adult has an impairment that:

  1. Impedes on their daily activities
  2. Cause them to neglect their own personal needs (personal hygiene, eating)
  3. When there is no one willing or available to assist.

Again, I can not stress enough that Adult Protective Services is not your Nightingale, but they may be able to help and potentially give you needed direction on next steps and potentially convince your loved one you mean business and they need to step up before the decompensations takes them to the next level of care.

How to you deal with someone who will not go to Dr. to get diagnosis and doesn’t fo anything for themselves?  Aging Care website. I love their open forum. The questions posed are at the root of what all families experience and are trying to find solutions or support.

Stay Inspired,


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