B&C United Home Care

Help beat the Beast with GPS!

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10 GPS trackers for Dementia Patients

I know, I know maybe you were thinking about it; maybe you weren’t.

If you are worried about a loved on staying at home while you are away take a look at this technology. It’s a simple thought, using GPS to track where your kids or your elderly parent may have wonder off.

You can’t be there every second and there’s no telling what thoughts jump into their minds while you are away.

Maybe they are thinking they are going to take the trash out, next thing, they keep going to the corner just to look around. Something catches their eye and now they are gone. It happens so quickly and out of the blue. If your parent is good at taking their phones with them try turning on Find-a-Friend or Track-My-Phone.

At a minimum, your parent should have a name bracelet with their name and your contact information. Amazon has different styles and price points starting at $30.

Something to think about.

Stay Inspired,



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